The Last Country Performances took place from the 19th to the 21st February 2018 in 5 different communities in Durban. This Cities Alliance project stage presentation brings to life the stories of African women, both migrant and local. The performances took place in...
The Last Country Performances

The Last Country Performances

A theatrical production that incorporates over 30 oral histories of migrant women has been created and used as a tool to tell their stories. These oral stories, collected as part of a larger research and advocacy project by the Urban Future Centre, ASONET and the DDP...
Meeting With Traditional Leaders

Meeting With Traditional Leaders

On Friday, November 10, the Democracy Development Program (DDP) and Urban Future Centre (UFC) held a meeting with traditional leaders and ward councilors from Folweni at the Folweni Police Station. The meeting aimed to solicit the traditional leader’s input about...
Women’s Month Dialogue on Community Building

Women’s Month Dialogue on Community Building

NOSIPHO LUTHULI The DDP, ASONET and the Urban Future Centre hosted a dialogue on Mobilising Women Towards Inclusive Community Development at the Lotus Park community Hall on 29 August 2017. The dialogue aimed to encourage women to discuss among each other the...